Tomorrow, Thursday, 27 June, 2024, 20 Seconds is heading to Milan for the Italian release of Issue 7, “The Medium.” Founder and Editor-in-Chief Daniel Melfi will present the new issue in conversation with Dario Gaspari of Frab’s Milano.
Following the talk there will be vinyl DJ sets by Daniel Melfi and Maxime L.
The event will begin at 18:30 and end at 21:30.
Free entry. Registration required at the following link:
Maxime L.:
Maxime L. is a DJ and event organizer from Paris, based in Berlin. He is the founder of the Astral Traveling listening sessions, held bi-monthly at Bar Rhinoçéros, and the bi-monthly radio show of the same name on Berlin’s Cashmere Radio. He is part of the team at JAW Family, responsible for bridging the gap between the traditions of black American and European underground dance music and the alternative and independent jazz that has been traversing the Atlantic for decades.
Maxime L. è un DJ e organizzatore di eventi. Originario di Parigi, vive da diversi anni a Berlino. È il fondatore di Astral Traveling, la serie di listening sessions bimestrali a Bar Rhinoçéros, e dell’omonimo show radiofonico su Cashmere Radio. Come agente di booking, fa parte della squadra di J.A.W Family, che cerca di colmare il divario tra le tradizioni della musica dance underground americana ed europea e l’alternative jazz indipendente che da decenni attraversa l'Atlantico.
Daniel Melfi:
Daniel Melfi is a Canadian journalist, researcher and publisher, based in Berlin. In January 2020, Melfi founded and launched 20 Seconds Magazine, a biannual print-only publication for experimental music and art. He is also a co-founder of Famous Grapes Recordings. As a researcher in the archival field, Melfi has worked with the National Archive of Family Film in Bologna and Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art, in Berlin. He has an MA degree in Film Preservation and Collections Management from Toronto Metropolitan University.
Daniel Melfi è un giornalista, ricercatore ed editore con base a Berlino. Nel gennaio del 2020 ha fondato 20 Seconds Magazine, rivista cartacea semestrale su musica e arte sperimentali. Melfi è anche co-fondatore dell’etichetta Famous Grapes Recordings. Come ricercatore in campo archivistico, Melfi ha lavorato con l’Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia a Bologna, con Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art a Berlino e ha ottenuto una laurea magistrale in conservazione dei film presso la Toronto Metropolitan University.