20 Seconds ISSUE 6 — 20(PARA)SECONDS is Out Now!
We’re PARA and this is our para-sitic and para-temporal cohabitation with 20 Seconds Magazine: 20 (PARA) Seconds. We’re shifting this specific organism for its sixth issue with a dynamic approach towards publishing as a passage of transgression. With “Non-Present Tense” we want to detach this organism from linearity and progress, declaring this issue a vast disruption.
With this cohabitation, we want to investigate the processability of transgressive time structures. By inviting a group of artists, we want to challenge the tensions connecting fiction and non-fiction and the potential of participation and performance within printed matter as a threshold and portal between production and presentation.
We consider this issue as an active interface and a manual for the receiver, who’s meant to become an analyst of dynamic processes, a potential future accomplice and a disruptive element. This printed matter is a tool for documentation, active recontextualization, sheet music, a sketchbook, a screenplay, a performance manual, among other potential evolutions.
Moreover, we consider the receiver of these signals a flâneur, with a detached yet attentive gaze, who wanders through the magazine and absorbs the presented sensory and tactile experiences. These experiences are considered as a dialogue with shared responsibilities, connecting all—hosts, parasites, flâneurs—from a future or a past perspective, but always validating the contested present and declaring it a tense with no actual existence... except when you shout out: “Non-Present Tense!”
This issue is a brick, traversing the air towards a window.
This issue is a window facing an accelerated brick traversing the air.
This issue is the air between brick and window.
It’s your choice.
PARA = Jakob Braito, Anja Lekavski, Kalas Liebfried
Featuring (in order of appearance):
Lawrence English
Felicia Atkinson
Jol Thoms
Anna Jermolaewa
Marie-Therese Bruglacher
Katatonic Silentio
Steph Holl-Trieu
Bogomir Doringer
Dick Higgins
Beni Brachtel & Dominik Lekavski
Diogo da Cruz
Fallon Mayanja
Nitsan Margaliot
Hubert Kretschmer (AAP Archive)
Curated by PARA:
Kalas Liebfried
Anja Lekavski
Jakob Braito
Graphic Design:
Carlotta Barberán Madruga
Carina Güttler
Art Direction:
Anja Lekavski
20 Seconds is:
Founded by:
Daniel Melfi
Matthew Liegghio
Edited by:
Jovana Ivanac
Kalas Liebfried
Marie-Therese Helmschmied
Timothy Isherwood
Sasha Alcocer
Special Thanks:
Nicole Stella
Daniel Melfi
Printed by: